Grilled Peach & Tomato Salad

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I know I say most things on the blog are "the easiest" and I want you to know that each time I say it, I truly mean it.

My friends might say I am being dramatic, but really it's just passion. This salad is one of those things that is so easy but gets you praise because you grill the peaches (so fancy) and because the of the presentation (so sexy). If you don't have a BBQ (or if you are like me and realize how silly it is to turn on the BBQ for 1 teeny tiny peach), use a cast iron grilling pan on the stove.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Serves 4

  • 2 tbsp shaved parmesan

  • 1 tbsp olive oil (plus extra for drizzling)

  • Sea salt, to taste


  • 1 peach

  • 1 tomato (it turns out best if the tomato and beach are comparable in size)

  • 3-4 basil leaves


  1. Turn the grill on to medium heat (I used a cast iron grilling pan on the stove).

  2. Slice the tomato and peach into equal sized wedges. 

  3. Using a basting brush, coat the peaches in a little olive oil to ensure it doesn't stick while cooking.

  4. Place the peach slices on the grill and allow to cook for approximately 2-3 minutes on each side, until softening but not too soft. Depending on if you are using a grill or cast iron pan, the time may vary. Try not to keep touching and turning the peaches, just let them sit and keep an eye on them.

  5. While the peaches are cooking, slice the basil leaves into thin strips.

  6. When the peaches are done, remove from the grill.

  7. To serve, alternate slices of peach and tomato on a plate, sprinkle basil and parmesan, drizzle some olive oil and top with a little sea salt.

nutritional info (per serving)
calories 52 kcal - fat 4g - saturated fat 1g - protein 2g - carbohydrates 2g - dietary fibre 0g - sugars 1g - sodium 157mg


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